It's official! We're TankingAlong! It's spring and that means knitters everywhere are packing up their heavy woolens and breaking out the summer knitting. Tank tops reign supreme in 2004 with Vogue Knitting sporting a snazzy criss-cross tank on the cover:

Rachael completed hers in record time and got rave reviews. Everyone agreed it looks far better on her than the model in the picture and there were vows to add this one to the knitting queue.
Check out Evening Breeze on page 56 of the Spring Knitter's. Soft waves and peekaboo eyelets. This one might have to go on the list too. Can a girl have too many tank tops? I think not.
The Details
What: Tank Time TankAlong
When: April 14 - September 6, 2004
Who: Anyone who can wield needles
So grab some needles, cool summer yarn and cast on with the Tank Crew! Email Nathania, your hostess with details of your project and watch this space for info on prizes, contests and more!
P.S. If someone with graphics abilities wants to whip up a button and/or banner for us, we'd be eternally grateful.
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