It is my completely unbiased opinion that I have the greatest readers in the world. I have gotten so much comfort from the love, prayers and support that you all have been sending my way. There really are not words to express my gratitude. What I can do is provide you with KnitIn photos.
Here are (l to r): Lolly, Sheetal and Lori knitting away. Sheetal I knew from the first Knit Out that Rachael hosted last spring. I was so glad when she emailed me and asked to be included. Her Rosedale is gorgeous! Lolly doesn't have a blog, but I've known her virtually since I joined KBTH. What fun to meet her in person!
She also brought unexpected gifts! That's two balls of gorgeous, fluffy, candy pink Rowan Kid Silk Haze, one of my favorite yarns on earth, and a bottle of port. Lori I only recently was introduced to through the RAOK group. Even though we'd never met in person, I figured that she must be good people if she belongs to RAOK! And what do you know, she brought gifts too.
She made this adorable little needleroll herself - and there were more goodies inside!
Needles with little aqua turtles on the end and a set of aqua stitchmarkers to match!
My friends Robin and Juanita were there as well. Although Robin has knit in the past, she's mostly focussed on her jewelry business these days, so she brought a necklace she was working on and I taught Juanita (at left) how to knit. Nita has an interesting way of storing her needles when she's resting! We got her going with the long tail cast on and then she cruised on a garter stitch scarf. (The next morning on the way to the choir retreat we stopped to get her more yarn and she knit during every break over the weekend. Her scarf is nearly done! She's got the bug, alright.) Behind her is Mary of Spinnity Knits. She's part of the SnB group that meets in Campbell. I've never gotten there, but we'd traded comments a few times and she lives so close by. She was working on an amazing earthtone Charlotte's Web.
Nancy brought "Cat Paw Brownies" (she's promised the story in today's blog entry) and champagne and bananas after I helped her out with some hangover advice. Unfortunately she escaped my camera lens. I know that there are pics of her on other blog accounts of the event, though. Emily escaped too, but her Banoffee Pie didn't. We ate practically every last crumb and would've gladly taken more. Her lacey sweater was gorgeous. Do you see it hanging in midair in the pic of Lolly et al above? Would you believe that I don't have a picture of Joanna either? I know, I was too busy chatting and knitting to take many pictures. Fortunately a few other people covered those bases.
Like Jewel. She lives just around the corner and she's Bud's #1 fan. She just scooped him up onto her lap and he was snug as a bug in a rug with her. Later, she showed us her gorgeous Oregon (an Alice Starmore design) or was she just trying to avoid having her picture taken?
She decided to frog part of it and Lolly helped her sort things out. It was the first time that she and Lolly had met in person too and they chattered away like old friends. At one point, Jewel pulled out her cell phone and called Junieanne, who was bemoaning the fact that she could not come down from Oregon. A little later, Rachael called from work and it was almost like she was there with us.
We knit long into the night and even after the rest went home, Nita and I kept at it until really late. I was tired at the retreat the next morning, but so pleased with the way the Knit In went.
Speaking of retreat, here's a picture that Kevin took during rehearsal. I'm on the left in my pink fleecey sweats. The rep we're doing for spring is challenging, but very fun. If you're interested in coming to hear us sing, we'll be giving concerts June 17 and 18 in the San Jose area. If you'd like to support The Choral Project our annual fundraiser Affair of the Art is coming up on March 13 in Los Gatos. Last year we did an afternoon tea and it was such a great success that we've revived the idea for this year. There's always a silent auction and a raffle (we're accepting donations of auction and raffle prizes too) and the company is fantastic. I'm working on a quilt to donate and possibly a knitted item or too as well. Progress pictures soon.
And just so you know that I took my own good advice last night, here's proof that I did curl up on the sofa with some easy knitting (that's Kevin's second Fitzgerald sleeve I'm working on), drank some tea and watched the BBC series As Time Goes By (starring Dame Judy Dench) with Bud and Kevin. After a while, I laid down the knitting and Kevin came to sit with me. I fell asleep in his lap, the safest place I can possibly imagine. We don't have much planned for the rest of the week, for which I am grateful. The only pressing thing is the need for a regular babysitter every other Monday night while we go to choir rehearsal. Anyone know of one in the Sunnyvale area?
Thanks again for a lovely evening and a chance to meet some lovely knitters & friends. And congratulations on your spot with the Choral Project. It would be a real treat to come see you all sing after meeting three committed choirsters at your shindig. I'm putting those June dates on the calendar!
Posted by: spinnity | January 20, 2005 at 04:52 PM
I had a wonderful time! The people and the food were terrific. Of course, Bud was adorable too. You all are a bunch of talented knitters! The projects were very nice and it was great to see what everyone was working on.
Posted by: Jewel | January 19, 2005 at 11:48 AM
I live in Portland, but I come to San Jose regularly for business. I would love to come to your next knitting night! Can you keep me posted so that I can do some advance planning? Thanks!!
Posted by: LeAnne | January 19, 2005 at 09:34 AM
Hi Nathania :) So there is another Lolly in this world? Wow! It looks like you all had such a great time! Love the pics. I was telling Nancy that this is the coolest idea... there a ton of Maryland and DC knitters... perhaps I should do something like this! :)
I am hoping the best for your daughter--I wish you all the best.
Take care.
Posted by: Other Lolly | January 19, 2005 at 05:53 AM
It was a fun evening, wasn't it! I wonder what I was doing that I thrust my knitting into the camera frame like that? Probably trying to show it off.
By the way, I think I see Joanna in the background of the first picture, checking out the refreshments.
Hope you are feeling better. The Santa Clara Knitting Meetup is tomorrow evening, in case you feel like making the journey to Saratoga.
Posted by: Emily | January 18, 2005 at 04:22 PM
Oh my. Bud is seriously the cutest dog EVER. That pic makes me want to go out and get a dog NOW, my poor cats be darned. You guys look very comfy - probably just what you needed to unwind!
I'm going to give your concert info to my friends in SJ and be very jealous of them if they get to attend. :)
Posted by: kerry | January 18, 2005 at 03:50 PM
You continue to amaze me. Knitting with the amazing ms. lolly, choral group, and everything else (knitting, did I mention your knitting?!). Don't forget to take care of yourself too, although it does sound like you're doing that.
Posted by: Cassie | January 18, 2005 at 03:41 PM
I'm so glad you had such a fun knit in! I'm so sorry about the diagnosis. Getting lots of information is probably the very best way to handle it right now--and lots of hugs!
Posted by: Deb | January 18, 2005 at 03:19 PM