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January 18, 2005


Thanks again for a lovely evening and a chance to meet some lovely knitters & friends. And congratulations on your spot with the Choral Project. It would be a real treat to come see you all sing after meeting three committed choirsters at your shindig. I'm putting those June dates on the calendar!

I had a wonderful time! The people and the food were terrific. Of course, Bud was adorable too. You all are a bunch of talented knitters! The projects were very nice and it was great to see what everyone was working on.

I live in Portland, but I come to San Jose regularly for business. I would love to come to your next knitting night! Can you keep me posted so that I can do some advance planning? Thanks!!

Hi Nathania :) So there is another Lolly in this world? Wow! It looks like you all had such a great time! Love the pics. I was telling Nancy that this is the coolest idea... there a ton of Maryland and DC knitters... perhaps I should do something like this! :)

I am hoping the best for your daughter--I wish you all the best.

Take care.

It was a fun evening, wasn't it! I wonder what I was doing that I thrust my knitting into the camera frame like that? Probably trying to show it off.
By the way, I think I see Joanna in the background of the first picture, checking out the refreshments.
Hope you are feeling better. The Santa Clara Knitting Meetup is tomorrow evening, in case you feel like making the journey to Saratoga.

Oh my. Bud is seriously the cutest dog EVER. That pic makes me want to go out and get a dog NOW, my poor cats be darned. You guys look very comfy - probably just what you needed to unwind!

I'm going to give your concert info to my friends in SJ and be very jealous of them if they get to attend. :)

You continue to amaze me. Knitting with the amazing ms. lolly, choral group, and everything else (knitting, did I mention your knitting?!). Don't forget to take care of yourself too, although it does sound like you're doing that.

I'm so glad you had such a fun knit in! I'm so sorry about the diagnosis. Getting lots of information is probably the very best way to handle it right now--and lots of hugs!

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